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Quick Release Racing is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit registered in Utah, dedicated to the advancement of amateur athletics, specifically cycling. We have been managing cycling teams and events since 2004.


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The course

The Wild Horse will travel around and over the Cedar Mountain Wilderness, located 45 minutes west of Salt Lake City on I-80. Zero miles of pavement. All dirt and gravel roads. You will cover 76 miles and climb 5,000 feet.

A link to detailed event FAQ can be found at the bottom of the page, or just click here.

The entire route is on county-maintained roads that are usually passable by any 2wd vehicle. The first nine miles are rolling uphill leading to the first real climb, up and over Hasting Cutoff Pass. Descend from the 5,775 foot summit to the west side of  the Cedars, and begin a rolling, fast ride south. At mile 38 the second climb, up and over Rydalch Pass, begins. Rydalch summit, at a little over 6,000 feet, is the highest point on the route. Descend to the east bench and begin the long, winding return. A rest stop at mile 54 provides a welcome break. You cross past the base of the Hastings climb again at mile 67. From there, it is mostly downhill, fast and smooth, for the 9 miles back to the finish.

A gpx file can be found here.

Not up for the full deal? Try the Little Wild Horse.

BLM Cedars.jpg