![WH logo wide.jpg](images/WH-logo-wide_8zdtnv6s5dpcnf2i3bfrg6.jpg)
The Wild Horse is a timed ride in and around the Cedar Mountain Wilderness in western Utah. All unpaved, virtually no cars, a landscape few in Utah have traveled. Adventure, exploration and challenge.
Saturday, April 25, 2020. The Wild Horse starts at 9 A.M. Little Wild Horse starts at 10 A.M.
Cedar Mountain Wilderness, Delle, Utah. Delle is 52 miles west of downtown Salt Lake City on I-80. The speed limit is 80 mph most of the way, so it is a short drive. Head west on I-80 to the Delle exit. Cross under the interstate, turn right on the frontage road (not the off-ramp!) and head about 100 yards west. You are there!
Online only. No day-of registration. No refunds or rain checks! In event of hazardous weather that threatens the safety of riders or volunteers or limits the ability of emergency responders to access the course, the event may be rerouted, shortened or cancelled without refund.
Watch Facebook.com/RideWildHorse for updates!
Packet pickup
Your bike number plate will be available at the start area beginning at 8 A.M. on the event day. You must sign a release to get your number plate. No plate, no ride.
Prize drawing
Every entrant will receive one ticket. Every dollar from every additional ticket purchased will go to the Utah League's Scholarship Fund to support High School Mountain Bikers. More details here.
Roads in this area rarely see traffic other than wild horses, antelope, cattle and jackrabbits. But cars, trucks, motos and ATVs are all legal, and can be encountered at any time. Be aware, especially on the descents of Hastings Pass and Rydalch Pass, which can be narrow and have limited sight lines. Your safety is your responsibility! Loose gravel, soft dirt, animals, vehicles and other obstacles can present themselves at any time.
Stop signs? There are none.
Medical support will be provided by volunteers from the University of Utah Department of Family and Preventive Medicine. There will be medical professionals at the start/finish and out on the course.
Helmets required at all times! Ear buds are not allowed!
This is a Fondo. Other than bragging rights, no rewards based on finish times. But finish times will be recorded and posted on our website.
The start
This will be a mass-start event. If you are late for The Wild Horse start, you will be allowed to start up to 9:30 A.M. After that, you will be given the option to start with Little Wild Horse at 10 A.M., but you cannot head out as part of The Wild Horse. If you are late for Little Wild Horse start, you can start up to 10:30 A.M.
Aid Stations
For The Wild Horse, there will be aid stations at mile 17, mile 38 and mile 54, as well as the start/finish. Water, drink mix, snacks, sunscreen, tools, chain lube, first aid supplies and rustic toilets will be available at each aid station. For Little Wild Horse there will be one aid station at mile 15.
Drop bags
Should you feel the need to discard extra clothing, you can place your items in a drop bag at any aid station, tape it shut and write your event number on the bag. We will provide bags, tape and marker, you bag and mark. Bags will be returned to the start/finish, but this might take several hours.
We are not set up to drop a bag at each aid station for you. Given the distance to the stations, the volunteers might be on their way to their station more than one hour before you start, and it might take us 1.5 to 2 hours to reach that station.
Cut-off times
For the safety of all riders and in consideration of the volunteers, cut-off times will be in effect and will be enforced! For The Wild Horse, riders must be to Aid Station One (17 miles) by 11:15 A.M. After that time, riders will have an option to return to the start via Little Wild Horse route or accept a ride back to the start. Second aid station (38 miles) must be reached by 1:45 P.M. After that time, you will be driven back to the start. Third aid station (54 miles) must be reached by 3:45 P.M. After that you will be driven back to the start.
If you are struggling to make the cut-off at AS1, you should strongly consider changing your plan. To make that cut-off time, you must average 7.5 mph. To make the cut-off at AS2, you have to cover the next 21 miles at a 9.3 mph average. Riders who missed the AS2 cut spent more than three hot, bumpy hours in the sag vehicle.
For Little Wild Horse, riders must reach the aid station (mile 15) by 12:30 P.M. After that you will be driven back to the start.
There are no easy bail options. Limited roads and miles of dirt mean you should show up prepared, with a bike in good working condition, lube on chain, sealant in tires and carrying at least one tube, a patch kit and basic tools. Should you be unable to continue, there will be a sweep vehicle to return you and your bike to the start area. The vehicles will be slow and the route bumpy. If you are in the vehicle, be prepared to take at least a few hours to return to the start.
No private sag vehicles, please. This generates dust and is an annoyance and safety issue for all riders. We are out here enjoying the scarcity of motor vehicles.
Route marking
Course will be marked. Finding your way should not be part of the challenge. There are no easy shortcuts or bail options. Please do not leave the marked route!
Do not disturb the animals! This is their home, and survival in the desert is tenuous. Our BLM permit stipulates that all participants are to be at least 100 feet from any wild horse, and for any group containing foals, that gap must be at least 300 feet.
Surprisingly little in this entire range. Do your part to make sure it stays that way. Use trash bags at the aid stations. Wrappers and empty gel packets ride with you until the next trash bag appears.
Play nice. Have fun!
The real rules, no?