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Quick Release Racing is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit registered in Utah, dedicated to the advancement of amateur athletics, specifically cycling. We have been managing cycling teams and events since 2004.


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Little Wild Horse

Not up for the full deal? Try the Little Wild Horse. Route is 31 miles and 1,800 feet of climbing, including many of the same roads as The Wild Horse. Just a touch of pavement. Same start and finish area. 

A link to detailed event FAQ can be found at the bottom of the page, or just click here.

From the start, the Little Wild Horse heads west, parallel to I-80, before turning southwest. A gradual climb takes you to the aid station at mile 15, and the start of the Hastings Cutoff Pass. Climb from the aid station to reach the Hastings Summit, at 5,775 feet. The Stansbury mountains are directly in front of you to the east. Enjoy the descent from Hastings to the main eastside road. Nine miles from here to the finish, almost all downhill, often a fast false-flat. 

A gpx file of the Little Wild Horse can be found here.